Wednesday, February 23, 2011


Dal 16 febbraio al 10 aprile è in mostra al Chiostro del Bramante a Roma una raccolta fotografica del grande creatore di moda Karl Lagerfeld. Scatti che vado dalle campagne pubblicitarie realizzate per Fendi e Chanel, a una serie di ritratti di personaggi famosi fino alle fotografie della città di Parigi. Personalmente mi sono piaciuti molto gli scatti realizzati per Fendi con colori molto intensi e fantasiosi... Ovviamente non ho potuto fare foto dentro la mostra, quindi vi lascio solo alcune foto fatte fuori.

From February 16 to April 10 there is in exhibition a collection of photographs of the great fashion designer Kald Lagefeld at Chiostro Del Bramante in Rome. Shots that go by the advertising campaigns for Chanel and Fendi, to a series of portraits of famous people to finish with the pictures of Paris. Personally I really liked the photos taken for Fendi with intense and fanciful colors. Of course a could not take pictures inside the exhibition, so I just can give you pictures from outside… J

Sunday, February 20, 2011


Bracciano is a small town near to Rome, if you are around and have the time it is worth making a visit to the castle. I took some photos :) ...

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Carlos Miele - Fall Winter 2011/2012 Full Fashion Show (Exclusive)

La settimana della moda di New York e' ormai cominciata, e devo dire che mi sono innamorata di tutta la collezione di CARLOS MIELE... Guardatela !!

The New York Fashion week is already started and I LOVE the whole collection of CARLOS MIELE… Enjoy it!!!!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011


E tra gli ingredienti possiamo contare un gran numero di oli, come l’olio di arancia, limone e noce moscata… vai su questo link per conoscere gli altri ingredienti della bibita piu’ buona del mondo (secondo me).

And in the Coca-Cola recipe we can count different types f oils as orange oil, lemon oil an nutmeg oil… Click on this link to know more about the “secret” recipe of the best drink in the world (I think).


Gli occhiali CARRERA di origine Austriaca ispirati dalla famosa corsa sudamericana chiamata "carrera panamericana" lancia la sua nuova campagna pubblicitaria sotto lo slogan AFTER ALL, NO REGRETS. Insomma, un invito a vivere la vita ogni giorni come se fosse l'ultimo, con intensità e personalità. Guardate il video condotto da Marco gentile.

The CARRERA sun glasses of Austrian origin, inspired by South American race “carrera panamericana”, launch its new advertising campaign for spring-summer 2011, under the slogan AFTER ALL, NO REGRETS. In short, an invitation to life lives each day as if it were the last, with intensity and personality. Watch the video that Marco Gentile made for the campaign.

Thursday, February 10, 2011


Last night my friend and I went to the ShariVari. A very chic and cool cocktail bar located in Via Di Torre Argentina 78, Roma. The occasion was a fashion show arranged by L’Accademia d’Alta Moda KOEFIA, they presented four collection of different designer. Probably some of this dressed I would not use, but I have to say that they were well worked, I also liked the selected models and the hairstyle. So here I have some photos, I also made videos but right now I’m having problems with them so I will post it later…