Last night my friend and I went to see the exhibition of VINCENT VAN GOGH, which was very crowded by the way… Although it was very nice, I must say that the paintings that I have enjoyed more were those of his last period of life, as “two women crossing the fields”, period in which he changed the format of his paintings making them wider than high.
Ieri sera sono andata a verede la mostra di VINCENT VAN GOGH, c’era tantissima gente, nonostante e’ stata molto carina, devo dire che i quadri che mi sono piaciuti di piu’ sono stati quelli del suo ultimo periodo, come “Due donne che attraversano i campi”, quando i suoi quadri cominciarono a diventare piu’ larghi che alti.
and after the exhibition we went to MCdonald :) hehe byebye diet :s