These are some of the perfumes i'm using now...

DAISY by MARC JACOBS. I have received this perfume last week as a gift, is slightly strong and very sexy, normally i use it to go out during the night, to a dinner or maybe to a club! i highly recommend!

STELLA MCCARTNEY. This one is very fresh, some time i use it to go out in during the night but for quieter occasions, like to go to the movies. I like because is not very common in Italy!

DESEO by JENNIFER LOPEZ. I bought this prefume a few years ago, i don't use it too much but i still like it. It's not too sweet and as u can see i really don't like sweet prefumes.

Then we have 212 by CAROLINA HERRERA. I LOVE this perfume, i use during the day for all occasions. This perfume reminds me Margarita island in Venezuela. Some times when i have to do an important trip i buy a new perfume, so after, when i'm back that perfume will reminds me that place, and if the trip was nice it will bring me nice memories...